


毕业典礼 委员会很高兴与联合山校园社区分享的时间表 毕业典礼 周末2024.

Friday, May 10, 2024

6:30 p.m. 学士学位    查看转播画面
Dewald教堂     查看程序

Saturday, May 11, 2024

10 a.m. Graduate 毕业典礼 Ceremony 查看转播画面
Peterson Field House 查看程序

1:30 p.m. Undergraduate 毕业典礼 Ceremony 查看转播画面
Peterson Field House 查看程序


停车 will be available in the Rockhill/State Street, Gulling Training Center, Beeghly大厅, 通勤, 的电子竞技, and Gallaher/Bracy Hall parking lots. 需要残疾人专用停车位的学生将在国王大厅停车场保留停车位. Golf cart shuttles will be circulating for those who may need them. Please note: For the entirety of the day, there will not be access to Hartshorn Street beginning at Clark Avenue. 从胡佛-普莱斯校园中心的角落也无法进入体育场车道. 只有那些出示残障标志的人才能使用这些通道进入国王大厅停车场的残障停车场.


  1. 直播

    大发app官网下载很高兴地宣布,它将再次直播该机构的毕业典礼. 在毕业典礼周末之前,我们会发送一封带有直播链接的电子邮件,您可以与其他可能无法参加典礼的人分享该链接和/或电子邮件.

  2. Handicap Accessibility

    麦克弗森学术和运动综合设施是残疾人无障碍的. On the day of the event, 将有一个明确的残疾人停车区域,保安将指挥交通. 也可以把车停在附近,以便下车到彼得森Field House. 穿梭车和高尔夫球车将遍布校园,以协助客人.

    Sign-language interpreters will also be on-site during the ceremony.  如果您有客人需要特殊住宿,请通知大发app官网下载活动办公室,以便安排特殊座位.

  3. 首页town Newspaper Releases

    Following 毕业典礼, 市场营销办公室将发布新闻稿,宣布每个学生从大发app官网下载毕业的成就. 的 news releases will be sent via Merit, 一个根据学生的地理位置(邮政编码)快速有效地向学生报纸发送稿件的系统.

    本新闻稿将通过电子邮件(Mount Union的电子邮件地址)复制给学生. 和, 他或她可以很容易地在Facebook等社交网站上分享, 推特, 和LinkedIn.

    请注意,市场营销办公室将为每个学生发送家乡新闻稿(除非学生选择拒绝这种宣传努力)。, but that does not guarantee that the newspapers will print the releases. All material is printed at the discretion of the newspapers.

  4. Graduating in Absentia

    我们希望每一位符合毕业条件的大四学生都能参加当天的活动. 然而, 我们意识到有些情况阻止了我们的一些毕业生参加. 如果您不能参加毕业典礼,我们会将您的毕业证书邮寄到“自助服务”中列出的地址.

  5. 荣誉认识

    Students are recognized at graduation for superior academic achievement. Latin Honors recognition is signified by "honors cords" added to their academic regalia; honors cords are distributed by the Office of the University Registrar during the mandatory 毕业典礼 Rehearsal the Friday before 毕业典礼.

    以下拉丁荣誉是基于在Mount Union整个大学生涯中取得的平均成绩. Grade point averages are based upon a 4.0规模. Students achieving a grade point average of 3.899 or better are awarded their degrees 优等生 以金质荣誉带为标志,学生的平均成绩达到3分.750 to 3.899 are awarded their degrees 优等生 以银质荣誉带为标志,学生平均绩点达到3分.550 to 3.749 are awarded their degrees 以优等成绩毕业者 signified by the white honors cord.

    除了, 荣誉表彰是授予在特殊荣誉项目中表现优异的学生. Students graduating with Honors in the Major will receive a red honors cord; students graduating with University Honors will receive a purple honors cord.

  6. 荣誉徽章

    Students are recognized at graduation for superior academic achievement. Latin Honors recognition is signified by "honors cords" added to their academic regalia; honors cords are distributed by the Office of the University Registrar during the mandatory 毕业典礼 Rehearsal the Friday before 毕业典礼.

    以下拉丁荣誉是基于在Mount Union整个大学生涯中取得的平均成绩. Grade point averages are based upon a 4.0规模. Students achieving a grade point average of 3.899 or better are awarded their degrees 优等生 以金质荣誉带为标志,学生的平均成绩达到3分.750 to 3.899 are awarded their degrees 优等生 以银质荣誉带为标志,学生平均绩点达到3分.550 to 3.749 are awarded their degrees 以优等成绩毕业者 signified by the white honors cord.

    除了, 荣誉表彰是授予在特殊荣誉项目中表现优异的学生. Students graduating with Honors in the Major will receive a red honors cord; students graduating with University Honors will receive a purple honors cord.

  7. Additional Cords, Sashes, and Stoles

    毕业生可以穿 只有一个 专业制作的披肩或绶带,代表他们所属的公认的Mount Union学生组织, or, in the case of an international student, a stole recognizing their home country. 为毕业生提供荣誉证书的组织不得选择代表学校颁发荣誉的颜色的证书, such as Latin honors (gold, 银, 红色或白色). 

    毕业生们要记住,毕业典礼是毕业生和他们的家人庆祝的时刻, the occasion is also a formal ceremony that requires appropriate, 传统服饰.

  8. "Walking" at 毕业典礼

    Students who are expected to graduate during a calendar year, regardless of conferral date, may participate in the commencement ceremony in May of that calendar year. 例如, students expected to graduate in May, 8月, or December of a calendar year, 不是学年, may participate in the May commencement of that calendar year. 预计将于12月毕业的学生可以选择参加今年的毕业典礼,也可以选择参加下一年的毕业典礼,以与原来的“队列”保持一致.”

    Students who participate in the May commencement ceremony as “walkers” must submit a Request to Walk form and will not graduate until their actual conferral date. 在完成所有要求和授予学位之间的一段时间内, 学生可以要求结业证书,以配合成绩单.

    In order to participate in any commencement ceremony, 学生必须在大学教务处规定的截止日期前,向大学教务处提交毕业申请. 未完成毕业申请的学生可能不被允许参加毕业典礼. 学生必须被认为是高级地位有资格参加. Mount Union大学将高级学生定义为获得90个或以上的学分,达到128个学分的毕业要求. A student may only participate in one commencement ceremony.


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