

The 大学发展办公室 exists to help alumni and friends to make informed and careful decisions about how gifts to the University can make a difference. 多年来, the University has been the recipient of much generosity, and we are thankful to all those who support us. Gifts to Mount Union ensure continued academic development and success. The generosity of our alumni and friends benefit the students, the community of which we are all a part, 捐赠者.

Gifts deliver an immediate impact to the University through the 联合山基金, 领导给, or Foundation 给 and the future through 计划给. The foundation these gifts provide exemplifies the solid base on which Mount Union was founded over 150 years ago.


  1. 大发app官网下载参与

    The goal of the Office of 大发app官网下载参与 is to provide programming, 事件, 社交媒体机会, and campus information to engage alumni and friends with the institution. The campus community is also invited to enjoy discounts and perks offered by the office and attend alumni 事件.

    The Office of 大发app官网下载参与 also oversees the Parents and Families Association and M Club. We collaborate with departments across campus to execute several University activities including Matriculation Convocation, the Physician Assistant Studies White Coat Ceremony and Graduation Celebration, the Physical Therapy White Coat Ceremony, 护士白大褂仪式, 学者的一天, 学生讲座及晚宴, 高年级活动, 和毕业典礼.

    The Office of 大发app官网下载参与 is a resource for the campus by providing information, 推广活动, or reaching out to alumni on their behalf for involvement. When an invitation is sent to alumni to return to campus to speak to a class or organization or for other activities, we request that a quick notification of that activity is submitted so we may record their engagement. Faculty and staff have also been invited to speak or participate with 事件 hosted by our office.





  2. 联合山基金

    Your generous gift to 联合山基金 supports student 奖学金 and financial aid, 技术的改进, 教师培训, 留学经历, 课余活动, and other critical needs as they arise. 你的礼物 每年 有所不同 每一天 in the lives of current and future Mount Union students.


  3. 重要的礼物

    Major gifts are transformative commitments from Mount Union’s alumni and friends that can make a lasting impact at the university. These gifts can support 奖学金, academic programs, campus facilities, and more. Donors who are considering a major gift should contact the advancement office. Mount Union’s gift officers will assist in fulfilling their philanthropic goals while supporting significant university initiatives.



  4. 计划给

    A planned (or deferred) gift is arranged during one’s lifetime but benefits Mount Union at a future date. Planned giving can provide several advantages, 比如即时的税收优惠, 收入流, 或者降低遗产税. There is also the personal satisfaction of making and celebrating a substantial gift during one’s lifetime.

    Types of planned gifts include will bequests, 慈善信托基金, 人寿保险, retirement assets and charitable gift annuities. 带着精心准备的礼物, a donor can create their legacy while furthering Mount Union’s mission of preparing students for fulfilling lives, 有意义的工作, 负责任的公民.
