


Mount 联盟's DPT program is so different from the rest because the professors are so dedicated to the students and it shows. 我来自伊利诺伊州, and I didn't really want to go far from family, 但我知道这是适合我的地方!


M.S., Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science




I've wanted to be a physical therapist since I was in eighth grade. I was a competitive gymnast for years and have been dancing since I was two years old. I had quite a few injuries from all that 活动和 was able to experience physical therapy for myself in eighth grade. I instantly fell in love with the profession and knew this is what I wanted to do! I've always wanted to help people and I knew that becoming a physical therapist would allow me to do 这一点, 能够与人一起工作. 我是一个善于交际的人, and I love being able to help people of all ages and from all different backgrounds. I truly am blessed to be in PT school and to be following my dream! 



fell in love with Mount 联盟's DPT program at the interview. I left the interview telling my Mom that I would love to go here. The faculty and staff and students were so welcoming, and truly made me fall in love with the program. I could tell right away that the community here was very close and that the faculty and current students genuinely cared about our wellbeing and success. I knew PT school would be a challenging three years, and I wanted to be in an environment that was positive and felt like family. Mount 联盟's DPT program is so different from the rest because the professors are so dedicated to the students and it shows. 我来自伊利诺伊州, and I didn't really want to go far from family, 但我知道这是适合我的地方! I love the way the program is structured, as they prepare you with your baseline knowledge and then build upon it with each class. I am able to learn better this way, rather than only focusing on one specific area at a time. The program also has a mix of lecture and 具体问题具体分析 learning (PBL) based classes with tons of labs. I like the variety of both lecture and PBL as it allows for different ways of learning. After being at Mount 联盟 for over a year now, I can truly say that the faculty and students have become my second family. I am not just a student here, but family. I feel that is what separates Mount from the rest of the PT schools around here. 


Mount 联盟's DPT Program is structured differently than other schools and it makes our program stand out. The information we learn is built upon each semester, which really creates for long-term memory. We also have a mixture of lecture and PBL based classes, as well as lots of labs. 我感觉到了 亲自动手的 学习是最有帮助的, and we get a ton of that with our labs and during our three clinical experiences. Besides the way our program is structured, the professors are what truly makes Mount 联盟's DPT program stand out. The faculty and staff are so accommodating especially during the pandemic. They did anything and everything to help make classes work better for us, and to make sure that we were all okay mentally and physically. As a student, you are treated with respect and as an equal. I felt very prepared for my first clinical as well. I know I will be prepared for the NPTE when I graduate from Mount 联盟. I could not say enough good things about Mount 联盟's DPT program and how it makes us stand out!