

大发app官网下载是由 高等教育委员会. 我们的教育学院是由 教育工作者准备资格认证委员会 并将在2024年春季举办下一次实地考察. 该大学的执照课程是由教育部批准的 俄亥俄州高等教育局(ODHE).



CAEP有四项问责措施, 它们被用来向公众提供有关项目成果和影响的信息. 的 following is the list of CAEP measures with links to documents that provide supporting evidence for each measure.



根据ODHE, “Ohio's value-added data system provides information on student academic gains. 作为俄亥俄州问责制的重要组成部分, districts and educators have access to an extensive array of diagnostic data through the Education Value-Added Assessment System (EVAAS). Schools can demonstrate through value-added data that many of their students are achieving significant progress. Student growth measures also provide students and parents with evidence of the impact of their efforts. 教育工作者和学校进一步利用增值数据为教学实践提供信息.”

根据ODHE, 俄亥俄州的教师评估制度(俄亥俄州教师评估制度),” in addition to the system for evaluating principals (Ohio’s Principal Evaluation System), ,为教育工作者提供了他们表现的详细视图, 专注于特定的优势和改进的机会. 该系统以研究为基础,设计透明, 公平, 并能适应俄亥俄州学区的具体情况. 此外, it builds on what educators know about the importance of ongoing assessment and feedback as a powerful vehicle to support improved practice. Teacher performance and student academic growth are the two key components of Ohio's evaluation system.”

俄亥俄州的教师必须完成为期四年的居民教育执照课程. 的 following persistence rate reports indicate that our completers move successfully through the four-year program.




Mount Union seeks feedback from a variety of individuals to determine satisfaction with our programs. 该调查工具是由俄亥俄州高等教育局开发的, 我们每年都会收到调查结果. 雇主和利益相关者满意度调查 包括2020-2023年的结果, 按角色分类, 并以雇主的意见为特色, 指导教师, 大发app官网下载, 以及大学主管.


In addition to the above Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey that includes feedback from employers, 指导教师, 大发app官网下载, 以及大学主管, 我们的教育学院以多种方式涉及利益相关者. 我们的合伙人咨询委员会(PAC)由在职负责人组成, 负责人, 中央办公室管理员, 教育服务中心管理员, 大发app官网下载, 和更多的, 这个小组帮助我们做出关于评估的决定, 课程, 等. 我们通常每学期至少见面两次. 这个链接将引导你从我们的会议记录 2022年9月30日会议.

进一步, 在分析了2021年5月CAEP数据日的数据之后, our 教育学院 noted that our 候选人 needed more content related to diversity, 股本, 包容, 和归属感, 与我们的合作伙伴咨询委员会合作, 我们在2022年9月举办了DEIB研讨会. 2022年全国教师奖获得者库尔特·拉塞尔担任了我们的主旨演讲嘉宾. 我们的会议, 建筑归属:DEIB教育研讨会, 应聘者是否很受欢迎, 教师, 和主持人, and a group of 教师 are involved in a research project with the pre- and post-conference surveys.

最后, 在与候选人在该领域的性格相关的头脑风暴会议之后, we sought the assistance of our Partner Advisory Council members to help us deliver a workshop to our 候选人 related to field experiences: 2023实习期望. 而不是候选人从教师那里了解行业期望, they learned about them from inservice administrators who regularly hire Mount Union graduates.



Mount Union 候选人 regularly pass the Ohio Assessment for Educators (OAE) licensure exam prior to completing an initial licensure program or our advanced principal licensure program. 这些执照考试的结果可以在这里找到.


Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which 的y Have Been Prepared 

Mount Union completers regularly get hired in education positions for which they were prepared, 如我们的 2020-2023年的就业数据.




最初的计划 at Mount Union that were accredited by CAEP after our site visit in the Fall of 2016 include the following: 

  • 幼儿教育(小学三年级,现为小学五年级)
  • 幼儿中期教育(4-9年级)
  • 青少年至青少年教育(7-12): 
    • 综合语言艺术
    • 综合数学
    • 综合社会研究
    • 生命科学, 地球科学, 物理科学:化学, 物理科学:物理学, 物理科学:化学和物理 
  • 多年龄段教育(P-12):
    • 健康教育
    • 音乐教育
    • 体育课
    • 视觉艺术
    • 世界语言(法语、德语、日语和西班牙语)
  • 干预专家: 
    • 轻度/中度教育需要(K-12)
    • Early Childhood Intervention Specialist (P-3, now P-5 Primary Education Intervention Specialist) 

工会的山 先进的程序 in Ohio Principal Licensure was not reviewed by CAEP in the Fall of 2016 during the site visit, 因为CAEP当时并没有先进的标准. 然而, the HLC and ODHE fully approved the Ohio Principal Licensure program prior to its launch in 2012, and this 先进的程序 will be reviewed by CAEP for the first time during the Spring of 2024 site visit.



All educator preparation providers (EPPs) are required to solicit third-party comment on the quality of the EPP’s programs as part of the accreditation review process. 利益相关者包括, 但不限于, 全职和兼职教师, 工作人员, 候选人, 指导教师, 死亡者/Alumni, 和雇主.

的 EPP is required to solicit third-party comments on its qualifications for accreditation as part of the accreditation review process. 的 EPP is required to provide evidence to CAEP within seven (7) days of such notice being posted. 如果EPP未提供证据证明其已寻求第三方评论, CAEP保留重新安排现场审查的权利.




根据高等教育法第二章, 教师培训提供者, including institutions of higher education (IHEs) that conduct teacher preparation programs must annually collect and submit information to their respective states. States, in turn, submit annual report cards on teacher preparation and credentialing to the U.S. 教育部.

的 第二章教师教育质量报告 is prepared and submitted annually by the Education Department at the Mount Union大学. 的 information from the reports below provides essential data as the University continues to build upon its rich tradition of preparing new educator.


的 俄亥俄州高等教育局(ODHE) releases an annual comprehensive performance report for each ODHE-approved educator preparation program in the State of Ohio. 的 教育工作者准备工作报告 permits the public to view aggregate data for all graduates statewide and by institution and program area. School districts and charter schools can use the report to make informed decisions about hiring; students interested in pursuing educator preparation programs can use the report to make decisions regarding which program to attend; and institutions of higher education can use the report to inform continuous improvement efforts, 方案规划, 和研究. 的se data will also assist state and institutional leaders in identifying trends to guide the development of targeted improvements in educator preparation programs throughout Ohio.  以下是Mount Union大学的报告, and these reports include data from both initial licensure and advanced licensure programs.

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