

The 文学与传播艺术系 plays a central role in the liberal education that prepares Mount Union students for fulfilling lives and successful careers in our ever-changing world. It is a world that has demanded insightful readers and powerful communicators in each new phase of its history going back thousands of years, even before the term “liberal arts” -- “skills of freedom” -- was invented. 

Students in the department celebrate the beauty and power of words but we do not stop there. 我们视言语为行动的基础. To become a liberally educated person is to become more than just “well-rounded.这是为了内化批评的习惯, 灵活的, 富有同情心的思考,从而成为一个更 负责任的 社会代理人. It is also to become a more effective and persuasive communicator, thus preparing students for life as educated citizens and professionals.


Dr. 米歇尔·柯林斯-西布里,英语教授

Literature faculty member Michelle Collins-Sibley recently published a book chapter in Teaching Peace Through Popular 文化, 2nd ed., titled "Armageddon It Been in Effect: Utopia, Dystopia, or UNtopia? 与乌苏拉·K的对话. 勒奎恩,萨拉·平斯克和N. K. Jemisin. 
